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This rocket is actively stabilized, being controlled by an actuated motor mount instead with fins. This project was inspired by similar finless rockets seen on YouTube, especially the rockets built by BPS Space. Seeing the first crewed Falcon 9 flights in 2020, I took it upon myself to finally build my own rocket.

This boat was built with the Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering (PAVE) club for competition in the Promoting Electric Propulsion 2022 race during one semester. The race consisted of five laps around two buoys separated by around a half-mile, to be completed by an unmanned boat. We set out to develop a legitimate racing boat that could autonomously complete the course.

This keyboard was constructed from scratch, using two laser-cut acrylic plates that house switches that are hand-wired to a microcontroller. For additional functionality, I added indicator LEDs for power, low battery, and Bluetooth connection. The microcontroller was flashed with a custom version of the QMK firmware. The firmware does not yet implement the low battery and connection LEDs, but the keyboard is otherwise fully functional and is my current daily driver!


This drone was built during a summer research internship with the IRoM Lab in partnership with another student. The goal was to build a larger drone based on the Crazyflie platform that would give the lab much more freedom to test custom controllers on a larger frame than it had in the past.

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