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Flight Computer
  • Custom flight computer designed in Eagle

  • Runs a PID controller powered by a Teensy 3.2, programmed in C++

  • Barometer measures rocket's altitude

  • Gyroscope data and quaternion rotations used to calculate orientation

  • Data is logged to a vibration-proof flash chip during flight, then to an SD card once landing is detected

  • LEDs, button, and buzzer UI

Computer V1
  • Created after sensors were tested on a breadboard

  • Hand-soldered prototype on perfboard

  • Used low gauge, un-isolated, single-core wire

  • Used during first hold-down test, with inadequate UI

  • LEDs and a button added to supplement UI

Computer V2
  • Custom PCB designed in Eagle

  • Hand-soldered SMD passive components

  • Added UI and terminals for pyro charges

  • Sensor breakout boards replaceable in case they break

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Simulink Simulation
  • Dynamics and PID controller simulated in a closed-loop system

  • Rocket parameters and TVC actuation limits build into simulation

  • System able to recover from 15 deg angle in ~0.5 sec

  • Verified by hardware hold down tests

  • Allows for rapidly repeatable tuning

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volume warning :)​

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